Tuesday 4th October 2022 lo: to analyse media text using media language medium long shot because its up from his knees this also helps us zoom in on his facial expression clothing,he looks more practical outfit connotes action facial expression connotes he is serious background connotes that it is blank we are meant to be watching the dude props,the gun is a prop which connotes violence 3 diegetic sounds 1 electrical box being shot ascetic 2 explosions to keep you on your toes 3 drifting to show it was a hard turn they used fade to black transitions to take it to a new setting the speed of the cuts was fast because its on beat Tuesday 11th October 2022 in the tenet trailer they use camera work because the camera work slowly goes faster this could connote that it is going more dangerous the faster it goes mice en scene the for this trailer is the box,the swords,the spaceships,the people, the long shots showed the dunes spaceships and temple...
lo; to use and develop creative techniques in photoshop all of them have blocky titles dark colours red titles connoting blood scary image to represent film they all have text blocks capital letters title generally one word all include a face in the image of the poster my horror poster among us big red among us character with knife www good editin ebi if i didnt need help
They have used a long shot to show that he is laughing The mice en scene Clothing:he is wearing a suit this could connote he is serious Props:he dose not have any props Setting:joker is at the top of some stairs this could connote that he is more powerfully Facial expression:he is laughing this could connote he is mentally deficient Font:the font is kinda creepy so this could connote this charecter is evil
Great 1st attempt
ReplyDeleteTarget: use smaller sections and the warp toll to make them fit your face shape